The Society was created in 2007 to acknowledge high academic achievement at the grade 12 level. Often times these students do not receive much in the way of acknowledgement and praise until graduation night. Thus a partnership with the Scotiabank was forged and the creation of the Scholars' Society became a reality.
Criteria for inclusion to the banquet is as follows: (1) be enrolled in grade 12 (2) maintaining an average of 90% and taking grade 12 courses (3) criteria for life membership in the society which includes the following: (name permanently mounted on the Scholar's Wall; a chance at a $1000 scholarship; invitation to the banquet) (4) maintain a minimum 90% average for each grade level while at NNEC.
The Scholar's Society Committee would like to express their heartfelt thanks to all those who made this banquet and Society possible: Scotiabank for their generous financial support, Chef Heather Wyatt our amazing caterer and all the teachers and administration who help to make our banquet a success.
Due to lack of funding, the Scholar Society ceased at the end of the 2017-18 school year. NNEC thanks Scotiabank for funding this program for 10 years. This program recognized academic achievement and has made a difference to many of our students.