School Advisory Council

2020-21 Council Members

Chairperson - Laura Richey

Principal - Ann Findlay


Staff Representatives

Eliza Abbass

Jennifer Cooley

Mathieu Gauthier


Parent Representative

Laura Richey


Student Representatives


Community Representative

African Nova Scotian - Tamika Borden

First Nation - TBA

Cst. Ken MacDonald (School Resource Office)

The purpose of a School Advisory Council (SAC) is to act as an advisory body to the school principal and to the Chignecto-Central Regional Centre for Education on a wide range of issues, including policies, curriculum and programs, school practices, student-support services, fund-raising, parent-school communication and school improvement. Most importantly, an SAC participates in the ongoing efforts of the school to continuously improve student achievement and school performance.

School advisory councils are volunteer organizations that were established by the Nova Scotia Education Act, and are made up of parents, community members, the school principal, teachers and school support staff. Each school within the CCRCE has a School Advisory Council.

CLICK HERE to find out more about Nova Scotia School Advisory Councils or contact the Principal at a school in your area.

SAC Guiding Principles

  • Education is a shared responsibility.
  • Students must be the first consideration for all decisions.
  • People at the local school level have important perspectives to advise on and contribute to decisions that will meet the needs of all students.
  • Increasing the quality of education means the continuous improvement of schools.
  • Change must take into account the unique characteri
  • education is a shared responsibility.
  • the best interests of students must be the first consideration when making decisions.
  • stakeholders at the school level have important perspectives that should be considered when making decisions.
  • school improvement leads to increased student achievement.
  • school policies should account for the unique characteristics of each school community.
  • education partners need to work together to manage change effectively.
  • involving the school community in school improvement planning enhances learning
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